Consecutive 70 degree days in NYC and I finally feel Spring is really here!

April’s theme at Global Markets is the Business of Green. We have some interesting guest writers to come, and I will be looking at what green means in Central and Eastern Europe. A friend of mine in Romania who is planning to put solar panels on his roof led me to an organization dedicated to promoting green building in the region. Central and Eastern Europe has definitely gotten a boost from the European Union’s very strong green movement. For example, Armenia has launched an EU-funded Web portal Renewable Energy Armenia. Ukraine  has benefitted from green funding from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Georgia is exploring a carbon credit program. Some countries have longer to go than others – the coal mining towns in Ukraine’s East need much cleaning up after the pitfalls of Soviet industrialization. The scariest information I ever heard was when I took a demography class with Murray Feshbach who has been chronicling the death of the environment in Russia for decades. He is now with the Woodrow Wilson Center.

For more “green” info check out Ecoseed which says it is a comprehensive green news site.
